This is a 1955 Rolls Royce Silver Dawn. One of 760 ever build from 1949 to 1955.
This car defines the word classy.
If you want to be King or Queen for a day, then this is the car for you. For your wedding getaway car, for a photo shoot or for your next blockbuster movie.
You will be arriving is style with this car.
With every reservation we include 75 free miles and 2 hours of service. The miles are measured from the time we leave our warehouse in Dripping Springs to the time we return. If the drive is over 75 miles the excess mileage fee is $3.00 per mile The two hours are measured from the time one of our drivers arrives at your location to the time we drop you off. If you need the ar longer we will have to provide you with a custom quote. If you have any questions on any rental/reservation you can find our contact info on our website, Thank you, Lee Little - General Manager.