Vintage cars compete on a completely different level when compared to the vehicles of today. Getting behind the wheel is not so much about efficiency and speed, but about the experience, style, exclusivity and craftsmanship, all of which are universal and timeless. A vintage car’s performance relies much more on the person behind wheel and can offer more tactile feedback for the experienced driver.
Vintage cars not only appeal to car enthusiasts, but also to lovers of engineering, design, art and history. Vintage cars come pre-packaged with a story that no modern car can match. They appeal to nostalgia for a simpler time. Vintage car owners often feel they’re playing their part to preserve a little of that older world. A portion of that responsibility is sharing the experience and history with other people who are drawn to the charm of vintage cars.
DRIVESHARE is a car-sharing community where renters connect with car owners to find the coolest vehicles around. It’s a win-win for everyone: car owners earn some extra money to fuel their automotive passion, while renters can amplify any occasion with an awesome car and experience a slice of automotive history along the way. And with three ways to rent — you can drive, you can be chauffeured or the car can be displayed for events — you can craft the exact experience you’re looking for.
Find (or list) your vintage car rental here.