My siblings and I shared a 1964 4-door Tempest for our first car in high school. My sister hated it. During the winter it would get stuck in the snow. Summer time she would flood it and have to carry around a screw driver to stick in the 2 barrel carbureted 326 to hold open the butterfly so it would start. For me, I loved it. I would back it out of the driveway and onto the street for any reason before I had my license. I installed my first radio into this car with a couple sparks during the process. My dad and I did a very crude job of body work and painting on it. I had some wonderful and not so wonderful experiences in that car. I ended up trading it in for a newer car for only $200 because I needed every dime I had. Boy do I wish I would have kept that car. I think they all were crushed. When time came that I could afford to purchase a classic car, at the top my list was a 64 Pontiac. If I was going to get one for leisure cruising why not get a convertible with a stick. If I was going to get that why not the tripower. From there you see were it ended up. I love cars, I love the stories and unique features all cars have. Most of all I enjoy bringing a smile or a good story out of someone of a car they loved.